Thousands of Ecstasy Pills Foiled by the Batu Bara Police Narcotics Crime Unit.

Thousands of Ecstasy Pills Foiled by the Batu Bara Police Narcotics Crime Unit.

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BATU BARA – – Failing the distribution of 6960 ecstasy pills, Batubara Police Narcotics Head AKP Fery Kusnadi was rewarded with a plaque from the DPC Pro Jurnalismedia Cyber ​​(PJS) Batu Bara Regency.

The plaque was handed over directly by the Chairman of PJS Batu Bara Regency Darmansyah, accompanied by Wanhat Drs Epson Pasaribu and members on Friday (19/1/2024).

Drugs are a common enemy!! Exclaimed the Head of the Batu Bara Police Narcotics Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Ferry Kusnadi, S.H., M.H after receiving the plaque from the Chairman of the DPC PJS Batu Bara.

Said the Head of Narcotics Criminal Investigation Unit for the Batu Bara Police, AKP Ferry Kusnadi, S.H., M.H. Eradicating drug crimes is one of the priority programs of the North Sumatra Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police. Agung Setya Imam Efendi.

“So it is hoped that the community and media friends will participate in sharing information,” said Fery.

“On that occasion, Fery appealed to the entire community, especially the Batu Bara community, especially those with teenage children, to monitor their children more so that they do not get involved in drug crimes,” he added.

Apart from that, Chairman of the DPC PJS Batu Bara Regency Darmansyah accompanied by Wanhat Drs. Epson Pasaribu and members congratulate the successful disclosure of a large-scale ecstasy pill drug distribution network in Batu Bara.

“Congratulations, Bang, within 3 days of returning to the Batubara Police, Abang has succeeded in uncovering a large number of ecstasy pill drug networks.

“We hope that the disclosure of cases of all types of drugs in the jurisdiction of the Batu Bara Police will not be selective,” said the Head of PJS, who is familiarly called Darman.

Darman further said that the awarding of the plaque was a form of appreciation from the DPC Pro Jurnalismedia Cyber ​​(PJS) Batu Bara Journalist community to the Police institution, especially the Batu Bara Police, which was deemed to have worked well in line with the expectations of community unrest.

“Giving this plaque as a form of our appreciation to all Batu Bara Police Narcotics Unit personnel who have saved the people of Batu Bara Regency from the negative effects of drugs,” he said. (Editor In Chif/07)